Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Homework for Tuesday

*Business Power Brunch tomorrow (3rd to 6th period, I believe)*

Math O'Brien: Parts I-III on the new exploration; Finish Pi sheet for extra credit.
- Schwartz: No homework

Chemistry Glazebrook: Up to #30 in packet, finish MC sheet if you were out at 9th Grade Orchestra Day; Debate project library time tomorrow.
- Schoen: Finish the worksheet
- Brendel: Worksheet do problems 4-16, test rescheduled for later on this week

Latin A/III: Finish activity C in packet

Latin C Hayes

French C: None, but go to the language lab room tommorow.

Spanish Dwyer: Look over that ditto and look up any expressions u dont know
- Prochillo: No homework

German Aweh:

AP World History Riggio: End of the Cold War pg. 895-900 (see assignment sheet for questions); Essay Test (Change over Time, Comparative, or Paper) Thurs; Timelines available on Blackboard, Cold War notes will be uploaded for this unit.
- Rosequist: Homework #5 due friday

AP Art History: Chp. 12 due Fri; Quiz 11.1-11.2 Fri; Review session Fri 5-7

English Failey: Project presentations for friday, Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde test Thursday???
- Oatis: Vocab Unit #11 this week, read chapter 3 and answer questions for tommorow.
- Eaton: Finish journals. The rewrite of the Julius Caesar essay is due this Friday the 17th. Read 100 pages of Angelas Ashes for next week
- Inners: Study for a test Thursday on acts 4 and 5 of Julius Caesar
-Etheridge: Be up to date on journal entries (refer to assignment sheets)

Health Kost: Webquest sheet due tomorrow

HTML & Web: Since we had a test today, no HW

InSTAR ACE: Presentations continue
- BDF: Presentations continue

(Edited by Ganesh at 6:46)
(Edited by Chris at 3:14)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what is tha Inners HW???

5:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

is there a quiz for glazebrook tomorrow? for 5th period

6:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what is the Business Power Brunch

7:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1st period Glazebrook QUIZ??

8:19 PM  
Blogger Ethan Solomon said...

I know that for glazebrook's 8th period class we're going to the library tommorow, the other classes may be doing this as well...not really sure...

8:21 PM  
Blogger Ganesh Thippeswamy said...

The brunch is basically a lecture about business and other fields (I think); but there will be some sort of brunch (to actually give people an incentive to go)

9:27 PM  

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