Friday, March 10, 2006

Homework for the Weekend

Math O'Brien: Use review sheets to study for the test on Monday (you need to know all the derivations; area of a triangle, law of sines, law of cosines). WEA due Tuesday, as well as the extra credit.
- Schwartz: Finish the math packet. Do both the evens and the odds. The test is on Tuesday

Chemistry Glazebrook: No homework, some people may need to finish the test Monday.
- Schoen: Finish the worksheet that was given out today and it is due Monday
- Brendel: 12.81 and 12.82

Latin A/III: Hayes-no homework

Latin C Hayes: No Homework

French C: Complete A&B on the other side of the conditional/future worksheet, cumulative test Tuesday on school/LGDMP vocab, future and conditional tenses.

Spanish Dwyer: stories due monday, there wil be a quiz on all the expressions
- Prochillo: Finish the packet that was given out to us.

German Aweh:

AP World History Riggio: Refer to assignment sheet for reading and words to define (Communism in China).
- Rosequist: look over the documents and start the dbq if you want. Use pages 742 to 746 for outside information.

AP Art History: Complete Chp. 11 questions for Monday.

English Failey: Journals due monday for pd2 and tuesday for pd 4 and 5
- Oatis: Read chp. 2 of LOTF and answer corresponding questions. Book review due Monday with a photocopy of a page that represents the book as a whole.
- Eaton: Finish any journals that are not done. The rewrite of the essay is due on Friday the 17th and start to think about the autobiographies
- Inners: Read Acts 4 & 5 of Julius Caesar (If you haven't already). Also, do 4, 5, 7 on page 860 and 4 & 5 on page 880. Bring Vocab book Monday. Check this site out for a translation of the book into modern English
-Etheridge: journals (be up to date)

Health Kost:

HTML & Web:

InSTAR ACE: presentations continue, Andy is first (I think).
- BDF: Presentations continue Monday, Hari is first.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

for glazebrook are we finishing the test on monday or is she only correcting what we did

12:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

can anyone tell me what i have to write for Dr. Jekyll and Mr.Hyde entries i lost that assignment sheet.

12:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

..hey..umm when is the exact date for the deadline for the Chemistry SAT 2????..pleaseeee let me knoo

6:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

is german essay due monday?

7:23 PM  

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