Friday, March 24, 2006

Homework for the Weekend

Math O'Brien: WEA due tuesday
- Schwartz: She did not assign any specific homework for today. She did say that we could continue working on the packet because she is going to go over it tomorrow. The test is sometime next week.

Chemistry Glazebrook: Front and back of the first page of the packet that was handed out today
- Schoen:
- Brendel: Test Tuesday, review packet

Latin A/III: Hayes-No homework

Latin C Hayes:

French C: Make sure to have 125 anecdote description done by Monday.

Spanish Dwyer: 20 expressions/phrases from the biography on selena

German Aweh: No homework.

AP World History Riggio: Reading; see assignment sheet. Also, read and do the questions on the Israeli independence sheet she handed out and on the In Depth document on pgs. 842-843 (answer the questions for this one too). Review project due Friday!
- Rosequist: Test Monday

AP Art History: Chp. 13 due Monday, test on chp. 9-12 Wednesday.

English Failey: reduced version of act one of Julius Caesar
- Oatis: Finish chapter 8 and questions for Monday.
- Eaton:
- Inners: Finish Part 1 of 1984; Finish the 2 page sci-fi story for monday
-Etheridge: Persuasive essay due monday

Health Kost:

HTML & Web:

InSTAR ACE: presentations continue Tuesday.
BDF: Presentations continue Monday.

(Edited by Varun @ 3:29 on Friday)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

inners-the 2 page science fiction story due monday

3:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


5:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


5:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

joyce smells like poop.

5:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

riggio- In-Depth reading pages are p.842-843

12:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what the heck. why am i always hated in this blog? gr.
- joyce

5:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

is all of riggio's crap due monday??

8:18 PM  
Blogger Ethan Solomon said...

dunno what you mean by that...the project is due Friday (as it says in the post) and readings I think are due tommorow but maybe not the wasn't really clear.

8:20 PM  

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