Friday, May 05, 2006

Homework for the Weekend (merged with Kalyan's)

Math O'Brien: pg. 487 #55, 56, 57, 59, cos3xcosx + sin3xsinx = (radical(2))/2; sinxcos(1/2)x - cosxsin(1/2)x = (radical(3))/2. She also mentioned something about a short quiz on Monday on all the formulas for everything and all that it would be wise to study those as well.
- Schwartz: Test on Monday may include the following: regressions, exponential, quadratics (with complex numbers or trig functions), probability and word problems.

Chemistry Glazebrook: "Re-Test" Mon, Ksp quiz for those of you who did well enough to not want to retake it; Regents Exam after the test and continuing into Tues
- Schoen: Test on Monday.
- Brendel:

Latin A/III: Quiz on declensions

Latin C Hayes

French C: No homework

Spanish Dwyer: Verb conjugation sheets
- Prochillo: Period 6- Do your "saying" the big words are the spanish translation that was given and then smaller words you figure out and write the literal spanish translation. Also make large enough so it can be seen accross the classroom.

German Aweh:

AP World History Riggio: No homework
- Rosequist: No homework

AP Art History: 2 Essays due Monday (see sheet we got in class), and keep reviewing for the AP exam.

English Failey: Unit 6 Vocabulary quiz Monday
- Oatis: Read 1984, project due May 22. I think there will be vocab next week.
- Eaton: A test on LOTF on monday and the essay part of the test on tuesday.
+ Journals entries
+ LOTF Essay due Thursday
+ He also told us to re-read page 135 in LOTF...

- Inners:-Revise and resubmit your congress Works Cited
-Independant reading is due June 3?
-Of Mice and Men Assignment
-Etheridge: Quotations/Questions sheet and visual

AP Art History: Keep reviewing for the AP exam. Complete the two essays on the back of the sheet we got in class (she may or may not collect them). AP exam is Thursday, May 11, 7:30 AM in the LGI for all students.

Health Kost:

HTML & Web: No homework

InSTAR ACE: Statistics in the near future? Otherwise, nothing
- BDF: Nothing


Anonymous Anonymous said...

schwartz: Test on Monday may include the following: regressions, exponential, quadratics (with complex numbers or trig functions), probability and word problems.

Eaton: There might be a vocab test on units 6-9 on monday...?
+ Journals entries
+ LOTF Essay due Thursday
+ He also told us to re-read page 135 in LOTF...

happy day~

12:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

there is not a unit 6-9 vocab exam on mon for Mr. Eatons class. We have a test on LOTF on mon and tues so study that

2:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For failey what did we have to read??

11:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

for failey period 5, do we have to do anything with the hbooks we were given on friday?

3:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi yang

8:01 PM  

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