Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Homework for Wednesday

Symphony Orchestra: There will be a rehearsal from 5:30 to 6:30 for all who are going to music in the parks on Friday.

Math O'Brien: Complete odds, 1-21, on the final exam review sheet.
- Schwartz:

Chemistry Glazebrook: Period 8: I think she wanted us to complete the chapter 15 outline, but I dont know how much of it or when it is due...
- Schoen: Get the gradesheet signed.
- Brendel:

Latin A/III: Quiz?

Latin C Hayes

French C: Test Friday on medical illnesses and treatment vocab, and on DO/IO/Y/EN usage.

Spanish Dwyer: Quiz tomorrow on the answers he gave us today
- Prochillo:

German Aweh: Recipe presentations due next week. Bring in your transcripts and money by Friday.

AP World History Riggio: We will continue working on the global concerns charts, they're due Friday.
- Rosequist: Continue working on the 4th Quarter project

AP Art History: AP test tommorow, LGI, 7:30 AM.

English Failey:
- Oatis: Our Town test tommorow, vocab due Friday (quiz Mon)
- Eaton:
- Inners: Bring in your indpendant reading book to show her tommorow unless you already have. Of Mice and Men paper due Tuesday
-Etheridge: Presentations continue

Health Kost:

HTML & Web:

-BDF: Continuing reading the paper Friday...though a significant amount of people might not be there so maybe not...


Blogger Ethan Solomon said...

oops...for french it should say test FRIDAY...I'll fix that later but the blogger editor is down now.

4:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what do we need for failey journal entries

6:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Schwartz: August '04 and January '05 Part II's

Eaton: read 1984 to page 34, stop at the 'IV'.
+ LOTF Essays are due tomorrow.

good luck to AP art history students :D!


7:34 PM  

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