Thursday, May 11, 2006

Homework for Thursday

For people going to Music in the Parks, you should bring your instrument/music, your orchestra T-shirt and khakis, money, food for the trip, and a change of clothes because its most likely going to rain while we're there.

Math O'Brien: Complete evens on final review sheet #1
- Schwartz:

Chemistry Glazebrook: Acid/base/indicator worksheet due Monday for Period 8, also work on regents or test corrections. Chapter 15 outline also due Monday.
- Schoen:
- Brendel:

Latin A/III:

Latin C Hayes

French C: Test tommorow on DO/IO/Y/EN (fill-in the blanks and full-sentence responses), medical treatments and illnesses(MC/Matching), and reading comprehension (answers in English). See here for quia vocab.

Spanish Dwyer:
- Prochillo:

German Aweh:

AP World History Riggio: I believe the global concerns packet should be finished by tommorow.
- Rosequist: Nothing

AP Art History: No homework, obviously.

English Failey:
- Oatis: Vocab due tommorow, quiz Monday.
- Eaton:
- Inners: Start reading your independent book and start on your essay, which is due Tuesday.

Health Kost:

HTML & Web:



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Schwartz: June '03 and August '03 Part I's
+ Test Part II's moved to Monday, whether you're here tomorrow or not.

Eaton: read 1984 up to page 43, stop at the 'V'.
+ Journal 4-4


6:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Inners- start reading your independent book and start on your essay, which is due Tuesday

7:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

rosequist has that thematic essay thing tomorrow in class !!

11:03 PM  

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