Thursday, September 07, 2006

Homework for Thursday

Notice: As junior year presents a much larger array of courses than last year, it is obvious it is increasingly necessary to adapt the website to accomodate this information. A viable solution is in the works, however for the time being, anyone interested in becoming a contributor on either WMC Junior sites (level 2 or 3), please send an email to

Tommorow during your history period, pictures are being taken so dress appropriately (if you feel like it). Also, if you wish to recieve copies of these pictures, bring in the form fully completed with a check. More of these can most likely be found in the main office.

AP Calculus
Ambrose: Do sheet on average velocities
- Dillon: Textbook, pg. 110-111, #1-4, 9, 11
Tam: Finish sheet handed out in class
Menzies: finish review ditto handed out in class

AP Physics Murphy: Nothing specific, but you may want to work on your data tables for the lab write up (calculating averages, velocities, acceleration, etc).
Honors Physics Spira: Nothing
Mcgunnigle: Do the front side of the worksheet he handed out today(the side with the scientific notation problems)

Latin A/III:

Latin C Hayes

French C: Complete activities A & D in the irregular verbs packet.

Spanish D Martin: Conjugate the following verbs in the present tense: hacer, dormir, pedir, ser. Possible quiz tomorrow, but it should be on something really easy.
- Brecht: Speaking assingnment on Thursday, first grammar quiz is next Friday.

German Aweh:

AP American History Miller: Nothing, pictures tomorrow for 7th and 5th period, and Summer Reading test Monday
-Madden: Summer reading test Tuesday, bring in questions to ask, and remember we will be having pictures taken for probably most of the period.
-Buckland- Summer reading take home test due on Tuesday, in-class is taken the same day, and part I of the Chapter 5 reading is due on Monday. (see sheet)

AP Art History:

AP Language and Comp. Kelso: Work on your index card summaries on your character for Scarlet Letter.
- Oatis:
- Rochford: Annotated Bibliography assignment due next Friday, summer reading journals due tommorow for extra credit

English Honors Hendry: make sure to bring a journal to class by monday. She wants a marbleized notebook.

Health Kost:

HTML & Web:

InSTAR : Bring in log book on Monday, and add for the 9/6 entry that "[your teacher] asked us to bring in a log book for Monday".

(edited By VaRuN @ 21.15)
(edited by Shruti @ 4:33 PM)
(edited by Zach @ 6:45 PM)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

anybody know if we have to fill out the chap 3 organizer for stat??

4:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

physics H
mcgunnigle: do the front side of the worksheet he handed out today; the sided with the scientific notation problems.

7:21 PM  

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