Friday, March 03, 2006

Homework for the Weekend

Some of you may remember the little poll from a while ago...well it's back (see the sidebar)...I'd like to see if the results have changed since last time. It will only let you vote once, so save yourself the energy of clicking twice and only try to vote once.

Math O'Brien: pg. 512 15, 17, 19, 20, 24, 35 due Mon.
- Schwartz:

Chemistry Glazebrook: If you didn't finish the text work, here it is: pg. 512-15, #9,23,26,42,57,66,73,109,110; finish labs, finish outline due Mon, check online for nuclear proliferation stuff to argue your case in the near-future; finish worksheets; Test on Thurs for Period 4/5, Wed for period 8/9, period 1/2?
- Schoen:
- Brendel: Chapter review questions

Latin A/III: Hayes-Read page 82 and do excercise E

Latin C Hayes: No Homework

French C: spend 15-20 min reviewing the vocab on the site and print a copy of the terms. If any of you are doing the French poetry recital thing, click here to see your poem choices...if you dont know what I'm talking about then dont worry about it.

Spanish Dwyer: Quiz on the two grammar packets Monday, test Tuesday
- Prochillo: foreign language week poster

German Aweh: no homework

AP World History Riggio: DBQ due Mon; see sheet for the text assignment. Test corrections also due Monday.
- Rosequist: No Homework

AP Art History: 10.1-10.3 due Mon

English Failey: Have journals for Dr, Jekyll and Mr. Hyde with quotes from every chapter to be collected if you didnt do the statement aloud today or handed it in to her.
- Oatis: Indepedent Reading Assingment Critical Reviews due Wed. Heres the assignment sheet:

- Eaton: Journal 3-3- Write an in-depth character analysis of Curley's wife. Remember #160; the 3 ways we learn about a character and their varying degrees of reliability. #160; It will be checked on monday.
- Inners: finish reading act 3 of julius caesar
-Etheridge: Make sure that you are up-to-date on journals

Health Kost:

HTML & Web:

InSTAR ACE: Yang, Michelle and Anne presentation for Wednesday as Brendel said since Monday will be used for uploading all the projetcs.
- BDF: Presentations are all due to be uploaded Tuesday.

(Edited by Ganesh at 4:36)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eaton's homework: Journal 3-3- Write an in-depth character analysis of Curley's wife. Remember the 3 ways we learn about a character and their varying degrees of reliability. It will be checked on monday.


4:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could someone post Indepedent Reading Assingment Critical Reviews sheet that he handed out?


6:36 PM  
Blogger Varun Talanki said...

inners; finish reading act 3 of julius caesar

1:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you guys post the page numbers for all of Riggios reading assignments for this week?

4:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

do you think that dr. brendel will kill me if i don't do the powerpoint by tomorrow? cause i'm not presenting until, probably, next week.

8:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

brendel probably wont care.. i'm not gonna give him a final copy. i'll just ask if i can "edit" it so that its perfect for presenting

9:54 PM  

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