Monday, March 06, 2006

Homework for Monday

Math O'Brien: Text pg. 519 #2, 10, 17, 19, 21, 28
Period 7: page 512 #15,17,19,20, 24,35
- Schwartz: pg. 924- 925 (2-66) evens

Chemistry Glazebrook: Short quiz on 11.8-11.13, Text Thurs for P 4/5, P 8/9 Test moved to Friday, make sure to finish outlines tonight if you didnt already hand them in. P 1/2 Quiz tommorow and test Thursday
- Schoen: NO Homework!
- Brendel: 12.3, 12.4, 12.5, 12.8, 12.10, 12.14----Retake test on Thursday

Latin A/III: National Latin Exam tommorow.

Latin C Hayes

French C: Read lines 30-55 on Debutonnage and write a short summary (in English)

Spanish Dwyer:Quiz worksheet due tomorrow
- Prochillo: Make sure for period 6 andrew, matt and herman bring thir instrumnts so they can play for the foregin language week thing.

German Aweh: Textbook, page 4 and 5, exercises 3 and 4

AP World History Riggio: See assignment sheet (leave a comment if you want the actual words on the sheet). Quiz on Wed, computer lab tommorow.
- Rosequist: Test Wednesday on Cold War

AP Art History: No real homework, but study Gardner's passages relevant to what we did today; quiz Fri possible on Chapter 10

English Failey: Research on the importance of being earnest
- Oatis: Book review project due Wednesday, see previous post for assignment sheet.
- Eaton: no homework except finishing the journals that he assigned
- Inners:
-Etheridge: Finish the take home quiz and journal entry for julius caesar

Health Kost: We have a big test on Wednesday. Also the supplement sheet is due thursday the day after the test

HTML & Web:

InSTAR ACE: Presentations begin Wed Yang, Michelle and Anne
- BDF: Have all presentations to be uploaded tommorow.

(edited by Chris at 9:58)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Schoen: NO Homework!

5:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Etheridge: Finish the take home quiz and journal entry for julius caesar

Anonymous Helper

5:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think that glazebrook's test for period one and two is also on thursday, but then again, i never pay attention in that class. ahhahah :]
-joyce. =)

5:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

for period one glazebrook we have a quiz tomorrow and and a test thursday

6:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

can someone post the history hw sheet for rosequist?

8:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ne1 remember how many slides teh presentation should be??

8:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10 to 15

8:40 PM  
Blogger Ethan Solomon said...

As many as you need to teach the class what you need to teach...thats really the answer. He's concerned with how you present your topic...slides are meant to supplement it. My recommendation would be to focus more on what exactly you are going to explain and how you are going to effectively explain it than worry about your least thats what I did.

8:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10:57 PM  

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