Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Homework For Wednesday

Math O'Brien: 16-20 on the worksheet, extra credit problem due Friday.
Pd7: finsih the packet questions
- Schwartz: -pg. 946-947 (#4,8,16). pg. 953 (#4,8,16). pg. 960 (#8,16,32)

Chemistry Glazebrook: Test tommorow (except for period 8), see review sheet for test topics...for period 8 do the MC worksheet she handed out today. Period 4/5: easy part of the test tomorrow, diffcult short answer part on Fri; work on MC practice she gave us to study
- Schoen: do as much of the lab as you can do. We are going over it tmrw in class.
- Brendel: Retake test tomorrow for which ever period you chose

Latin A/III: Hayes-

Latin C Hayes: Do the double-sided Pompei alphabet worksheet

French C: Review vocab for 15-20 mins.

Spanish Dwyer: finishing stories in class tomorrow
- Prochilo: Look up paintings of the painters on the sheet. Also find some information on all of them as well.

German Aweh:

AP World History Riggio: Korean War and early post-war Japan reading, see assignment sheet. Berlin wall paper due Friday.
- Rosequist: No homework

Ap Art History: Chp. 10 quiz Friday, see blackboard for notes...keep up with Gardners readings. All of Chp. 11 due Mon.

English Failey: No homework, we're watching that movie tomorrow
- Oatis: NO vocab, read pgs. 1-16 of LOTF and answer corresponding questions. Book review due Mon.
- Eaton: all three journals for this quarter should be done. The rewrite of the Julius Caesar essay will be due next Friday the 17th
- Inners:

Health Kost: The supplements sheet is due tomorrow

HTML & Web: HW assignment #1 due Friday

InSTAR ACE: Presentations continue with Michelle, Anne, Andy, and Rubab
- BDF: Presentations continue tommorow: Ross, then Teresa

(Edited by Ganesh at 7:41)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ethan im in love with you

6:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

aaah..wats the math HW for 8th period for O'brien?!?!?!..please someone post it up..cuz i know we are behind tha other classes so i'm not sure if 8th periods' HW is tha same as eveyrone elses..thanks a bunch..byebyee

9:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

..hah yeaa regarding that comment posted rite aboove this one about tha math HW..ignore aiight byeee

9:41 PM  

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