Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Riggio's DBQ Resources

See post below for WINTER WEATHER UPDATE
See post below for Wednesday's Homework

Because the DBQ website (and the entire Three Village Domain) seems to be intermittently functional, in case of any future downages you can check this post for all the links found in the resources section of the page. I'm pretty sure Monday is going to be the due date no matter what now, so if it goes down again you can find the stuff here.

Introduction to the United Nations

The Yalta Conference

Proceedings of the Yalta Conference

Yalta: The Beginning of the End

The Potsdam Conference

Proceedings-Potsdam Conference

The Postwar Occupation of Germany

The Berlin Airlift-Timeline

Origins of the Cold War

The Truman Doctrine-Speech

The Truman Doctrine

The Marshall Plan


Warsaw Pact


Anonymous Anonymous said...

is that really relevent?

10:18 PM  
Blogger Robert Sampson said...

Spankymcgibbins, you are on warning for posting information like that on my blog. The next time you do that I will take action!

10:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

really? the due date is monday?
im sooo confused.

10:31 AM  

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