Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Homework for Wednesday

WINTER WEATHER UPDATE (slightly updated for the night)
Yang Li

5-7" possible tomorrow morning through evening
Here we go again... A moderate winter storm will march in tomorrow morning, dumping 4-7 inches in our area, with us on the North Shoren receiving the heavier end of that 4-7 inches. Flurries should be here slightly after 10 AM and steady snow will begin after Noon, becoming heavy by noon. The brunt of the storm will be between noon and 7. Given the fact that an early dismissal doesn't count in any way against the state's attendance requirement, I believe the administration will be willing call for that. Early dismissal is officially listed as a 10 AM deal, which will be before the heavy snow gets here, but you must consider the Junior High Schools and the Elementary Schools, not to mention that to have regular dismissal in the worst part of the storm would be a disaster waiting to happen. However, at this point, the intensification process may begin rather late and it is less certain that an early dismissial will happen. I'll give early dismissal a 60% chance. A snow day gets a 5% chance, so despite the late starting time of the snow, the district has made two odd decisions already this season, so I wouldn't rule it out. The remaining 35% receives the nothing category. Finally, I'm personally forecasting a stronger-than-expected intensification process once the low pressure center begins tapping into the moist Atlantic air.

If you're thinking about going to the Sophmore dance, money is due by Friday...check comments for more details.

Math O'Brien: Read pg. 517 ex. 3&4, pg. 519 1-9 odd, 23, 25, 27. Trig re-test Friday, extra help session tommorow, I believe.
- Schwartz:

Chemistry Glazebrook: Non-math, all short answer quiz tommorow on 11.1-11.7, purely conceptual. You can bring in a 3x5 index card with notes on it to use (front and back allowed). Also, finish multiple choice worksheet she gave out.
- Schoen:
- Brendel: No Homework

Latin A/III:

Latin C Hayes

French C: Read lines 1-30 on the Mystery of the Debuttonment (or whatever it translates to), write a short summary, and define all the underlined words.

Spanish Dwyer: Finish packet except exercise E
- Prochillo: No how that i know of because but keep in mind your project for foreign language week

German Aweh:

AP World History Riggio: Refer to assignment sheet for reading, also do worksheet on the Iron Curtain speech by Churchill. DBQ essay now due Monday!!
- Rosequist: Homework #3 due friday

AP Art History: No homework.

English Failey: webquest info for tomorrow discussion
- Oatis: Vocab #10 due tommorow.
- Eaton:
- Inners: Read act 3 scene 1 of Julius Caesar

Health Kost:

HTML & Web: Test Tomorrow

InSTAR ACE: Presentations start tomorrow, order is Yang, Michelle and Anne
- BDF: Presentations continue Friday, I believe he said all projects are due Tuesday now, but I need confirmation.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

..Come on March 10th to the school'll have aloooot of fun. Tickets are only $10 and you can buy them at any time of the day, just find a student government person. once again.. COME TO THE DANCE!!!=]..thanks..

4:27 PM  
Blogger Varun Talanki said...

Rosequist: hw #3 due friday
Inners: read act 3 scene 1 of julius caesar

4:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooh yea..u have to buy your tickets by THIS FRIDAY!! hurry hurry and get your tickets!!=]..thanks againn

4:38 PM  
Blogger Robert Sampson said...

Ethan, if I were you, I would post a weather advisory. I posted that I will up-date comprehensive news on the storm at 9:00 PM EST.

5:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah i was looking forward to al lthe possibilities yank will predict like chance of smow day/ early dissmissal

7:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow i suck at typing..i want to know Yang's perdictions for tomorrow (everything spelled correctly)

7:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I disagree with your prediction. Obviously a delayed opening would be pointless so lets rule that out. There can be a early dismissal, a snow-day, or just a regular day. The district very rarely plans an early dismissal ahead of time. Based on the forecast, I believe the decision is between a regular day of school and a snow-day. Keeping in mind that this would be our last snow-day before cutting into vacation time, as well as the timing and intensity of the storm (especially in terms of visibility), my prediction is as follows:
.5% planned early dismissal
.5% delayed opening
63% snow-day
36% normal day

8:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yea you all are wrongg..we aren't gettin that much snow in this area..4-7 inches is inland..not on the island..we're gettin snow and rain mixed..thats what the latest weather report said =[

9:17 PM  
Blogger Yang Li said...

Responding to previous comments, I have averaged the predictions of a number of sources, including the government's NOAA service and the major channels. 4-7" inland is a predict of CBS 2 but ABC 7 and NOAA are going with an even higher 5-8" for us wheras NBC 4 is a middle-of-the-road 4-7".

10:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol yea they keep changing..dumb weather..okay so i guess we'll see tomorrow.

10:26 PM  

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